#nanoWIRES news
19ENG05 WP1 Web-meeting
Wednesday, the 24th of February 2021
The meeting focused on the WP1 activities, mainly fabrication of Silicon Nanowires and Nanometrology.
After a short personal introduction by all present participants, INRiM described the fabrication approach and relative parameters. The activity is in progress and on schedule.
TU Braunschweig estimated a 4-6 weeks delay in samples delivery due to water damages to TUB facilities.
VSL and CMI activities are in progress.
Activity A1.1.2
Presentation by INRiM on the fabrication method and restrictions for the nanowires processing. The aspect ratios of the wires beyond 10 will probably suffer from wire interactions and disorganization. INRiM will provide a list with the required information to be distributed to the measurement partners.
Samples can be provided already in late spring 2021. It is expected that there will be some iteration required between the fabrication and measurement partners before the final configuration is agreed upon. Samples of square centimeter size can be made. Find me structures can be provided.
Activities A1.1.1, A1.1.2 and A1.1.4
TU-Braunschweig mentioned an estimated delay of 4-6 weeks in the fabrication of samples due to water damage of the facilities at TU-Braunschweig. This may impact the progress on activities A1.1.1, A1.1.2 and A1.1.4.
Activity 1.4.1
VSL mentioned that because of personnel changes, knowledge on the VSL scatterometry activities is currently being transferred to a new employee. AFM is operational when the samples become available.
CMI mentioned ongoing work in progress for software development.
PTB mentioned that he requires information on the materials for the nanowires and support in order to prepare the analysis models for optical measurements. He will prepare a list with what he needs. This list will be shared with the fabrication partners. He also mentioned the progress in the development of a new ellipsometer with small beam diameter.